Michael continues his “What’s Wrong With the Pursuit of Happiness?” piece in part two. Here is an excerpt and link.
Part 2: Meaning is available even when happiness is not.
Imagine that you are representing pro bono a 19-year-old client who is seeking asylum. She has fled her home country, a land in which women are considered second-class citizens and corruption is rampant. Her husband has disfigured her in an acid attack and has promised that next time he will succeed in killing her. Her children have been taken from her, and she has no resources. Despite this, she is confident in the American judicial system. After a year in a detention center and despite your best efforts, she is denied asylum as a matter of course and is summarily deported. In this situation, attempting to derive pleasure or happiness would not be appropriate. But seeking meaning from the experience could be beneficial.
Here is the full article on the Texas Bar website.
Michael Winters is a Psychologist in Houston focusing on marriage counseling and therapy. Michael received his PhD from the University of Memphis and has been practicing since 1991.