You may have noticed that you did not receive a September Continuing Search for Meaning newsletter. You did not miss it in your inbox – it was not there! I can come up with many excuses for failure to send the newsletter – I was busy teaching classes, I was putting my efforts into working […]
Category Archives: Coaching
Growing a Soul Mate
True or False: Each person has a true, perfect, and unique soul mate out there somewhere in the world – waiting to be found. False! The myth that each of us has a ‘perfect other half’ is damaging to many relationships. Because, after the initial bliss of early relationship, conflict starts to erupt, tensions mount […]
Growing Apart
There is no denying that life is chaotic. A marriage might begin with making plans, setting goals and discussing dreams, but then “life happens.” A question we often neglect however, is “when life happens,” how does it impact your marriage? And furthermore, have you let the stressors of life turn into a reason for why […]
Restoring Commitment Within Your Relationship
The word commitment seems to have lost its integrity over the years It is no surprise that lack of commitment was listed as the number one response in a poll * about the main causes of divorce. But when one dissects the meaning of the word commitments — dedication, devotion, loyalty and faithfulness, it’s easy […]
The Comedian’s Suicide
Robin William’s death on August 11, 2014 has stimulated social dialogue as well as personal reflection for many who were entertained by him over the years. As a psychologist who counsels people experiencing depression, and those grieving (sometime due to suicide of a loved one), and teaches classes about mental health and depression, I think […]
…Patiently Waiting for MY Turn
As a couples counselor I assist many couples and individuals in learning new ways to communicate. I have noticed an important difference in my clients who ‘get it’ and those who do not. Most of my clients can learn the skills of empathic communication and deeper connection. Skills are not enough – there has to […]
Main Causes of Divorce
5 Ways to Stay Connected When Angry
Holding anger may be a poison according to Mitch Albom, but unleashing the intense emotion can be equally venomous, at least for people who surround you, who love and care for you. You may think being a part of your family and meeting the requirements of your family members financially and otherwise is a liability […]
Father of Fourteen: A Model of Meaning
Samuel Winters was a quiet, mild mannered “Southern Gentleman”. He was also a father of fourteen children, a school principal, a historian, a horticulturalist and civic leader. In some ways Dad’s life was simple, even ordinary. But the informal education he provided to me and my siblings is profound. Listed below are only a few […]
Ironing My Shirt Reflection
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