Monthly Archives: June 2013

Managing Grief

Everyone will face major losses in their lifetime, whether it is the end of a friendship, romantic relationship, or death of a loved one. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross helped explain the complexity that one goes through when dealing with and learning how to move forward from a loss with her theory of the five stages of grief. […]

Preparing for Therapy

Contrary to the way therapy is often depicted in movies and television, it does not simply consist of talking while a psychologist listens and asks vague questions. Therapy involves preparation, trust, and a mutual willingness between both therapist and patient to work hard and communicate openly. Once you have decided to consult a therapist, the […]

When to Seek Counseling

There are a variety of reasons for seeking the help of a psychologist, and many may wonder when to seek treatment and when to handle the issues on their own. Whether you are considering couples therapy or individual help, a general guideline is to ask for assistance when your state is impacting your daily life. […]

Myths About Therapy

There are a lot of myths surrounding therapy and the reasons that people seek treatment. Many people mistakenly believe that seeking help from a mental health professional is a sign of weakness or an indication that they are “crazy,” but this is not the case. Just as you would not hesitate to see a doctor […]

New Career Exploration Process Posted

Michael has recently posted a Career Exploration Process page to his site.  It is a guide that you can use in your own journey and includes helpful steps and a matrix you can fill out on your own. Career Exploration Process/

The Continuing Search for Meaning, Jun 2013

Welcome to the third edition of the Continuing Search for Meaning monthly newsletter. This edition introduces a new course: Understanding Melancholy: Depression Viewed from Clinical, Philosophical, and Literary Perspectives, to be offered at the Jung Center this summer; reviews a book Logotherapy Revisited – which may be of interest, and shares an essay about Bob, […]